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Biographies from the Arts & Entertainment Cable Channel Dead People Server A nonscholarly site to search for brief information about celebrities and contemporary people in the news.
Internet Public Library: Biographies
Nobel Prize Winners
Who2 Biographies
Dictionary of Art Historians
Biographical Directory of the United States Congress (1774 - present)Hispanic Americans in Congress (1822-1995)
Political Graveyard.com
Presidents of the United States (Internet Public Library)Rulers "This site contains lists of heads of state and heads of government (and, in certain cases, de facto leaders not occupying either of those formal positions) of all countries and territories, going back to about 1800."
Dictionary of Canadian Biography Florida Heritage Collection Biographies and autobiographies of Floridians. People in the West "Interactive biographical dictionary of historical figures" in the United States Science & Technology African Americans in the Sciences, The Faces of Science Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences History of Mathematics
Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Florida Heritage Collection Biographies and autobiographies of Floridians.
People in the West "Interactive biographical dictionary of historical figures" in the United States
African Americans in the Sciences, The Faces of Science
Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences
History of Mathematics
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