

Page history last edited by Colleen 3 years, 10 months ago

Dictionaries & Thesauri

Cambridge Dictionaries Online
The user can search a word in the Cambridge International Dictionary of English, Cambridge Dictionary of American English, Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms, or Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.


FreeDictionary.com Free, comprehensive dictionary. The site includes a thesaurus, acronyms and abbreviations and much more.


HandSpeak; A Practical Sign Language Online Dictionary
A searchable dictionary of ASL and ISL with animated demonstrations, from Deaf World Web.


Merriam-Webster Online
Includes both the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary and the Collegiate Thesaurus. If you aren’t sure of spelling, this dictionary will give you words close to your search request.

Merriam-Webster's Time Traveler - When was a word first used in print?



Explains thousands of terms that define our life online, including the largest list of chat acronyms


Roget's Internet Thesaurus
The Web version of Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases - a good aid to finding synonyms for overused words, or you can browse classes of words.


Travlang’s Translating Dictionaries and Foreign Languages for Travelers at http://dictionaries.travlang.com/ and http://www.travlang.com/languages/
Online translating dictionaries geared toward the international traveler.


Urban Dictionary

User-generated dictionary of slang terms.


Visuwords An online graphical dictionary.




Wordsmyth; the Educational Dictionary-Thesaurus
Combines the functions of a dictionary and a thesaurus with search capabilities; reflects the philosophy that word meanings grow out of specific uses and contexts.



Acronyms and Abbreviations

The WWW Acronym and Abbreviation Server
An award-winning searchable list of acronyms and abbreviations.


Acronym Finder
A searchable database of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms and their meanings, with an emphasis on computers, communications, and technology.


Foreign Language




Forvo: All the words in the world. Pronounced.


Language Dictionaries and Translators
Gateway to dictionary and translation services for over 100 languages.


OneLook Dictionaries: The Fast Finder
Indexes over 600 dictionaries including many in specialized subject areas. Search engine allows you to search special subject, general, or all dictionaries at once.


A comprehensive portal for language, and language-related products and services on the world wide web, covering more than 1500 dictionaries representing more than 230 languages. Includes dictionaries, thesauri, and grammars.


Yahoo!'s list of dictionaries


An ongoing project devoted to discovering all the words and everything about them.


Specialized Dictionaries

FOLDOC Free Online Dictionary of Computing

Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology

Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction

Multilingual Glossary for Today's Library Users

ODLIS Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science

Poetry Foundation Glossary of Poetic Terms

Tate Glossary of Art Terms


Please note: We have had a couple of requests to add the Oxford English Dictionary to this page but it is a site/resource that requires a subscription and a login. The goal of this wiki is to provide a list of FREE reference resources that do not require a paid subscription or for the user to be affiliated with the University of Florida in order to gain access.  



Please send link suggestions and comments to the library web manager.


University of Florida | George A. Smathers Libraries | Fast Internet Reference Sources Home


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