
Images and Graphics

Page history last edited by Colleen 3 years, 10 months ago

Multimedia Sites

Google's Image Search is "the most comprehensive image search on the Web".


EServer is a collection of media and hypertext, including categories of ascii art,

audio, backgrounds, clip art, hypermedia, maps, soundtracks, and videos.



UF News Bureau Photo Gallery displays samples from the collection.


Corbis is "the place for pictures on the Internet" with over 2 million photos.


Ditto "compiles the largest searchable index of visual content on the internet -nearly 6 million
thumbnails selected and evaluated from over 115 million images." Ditto delivers thumbnail images and the web sites underlying these images.



General Sites

Symbols.Net collects links to web pages that define symbols and provide background information. The pages linked are more reference/dictionary/encyclopedia-like rather than sources to find graphics or photos for your own use.


Yahoo's Clip Art category.


Digital Librarian: a librarian's choice of the best of the Web: Images is an extensive list, not sectioned into subjects. Use the browser Edit/Find to search this page for a keyword such as "plant" or "war".



Special Collections

American Memory: Historical Collections for the National Digital Library. "The American Memory Historical Collections, a major component of the Library's National Digital Library Program, are multimedia collections of digitized documents, photographs, recorded sound, moving pictures, and text from the Library's Americana collections. There are currently over 70 collections in the American Memory Historical Collections."


CAMIO (Art Museum Image Consortium Library) -- offers rights-cleared, high-quality art images for class projects, art history and studio art programs, course Web sites, lectures, presentations, and research resources. This database not only supports art history, studio art, and design departments, it also provides rich context for history, religion, and other humanities programs. Access restricted to UF and SUS faculty, staff, students.


Smithsonian Images - Browse or search through selected images from the Collections of the Office of Imaging and Photographic Services. Topics include Air and Space, American History, Animals, Fireworks, Gems and Minerals, History of Technology, Marine Life,Military History, Nature, the Presidency, Transportation, and Washington, DC. Science, Nature, Technology, History, and People-Places. Downolad or purchase images and send e-cards,


Smithsonian Open Access
The Smithsonian has released 2.8 million images from its vast holdings—among them the National Air and Space Museum, the Smithsonian Libraries and Archives, and the National Zoo. An FAQ indicates that images are in the public domain as Creative Common Zero, so they can be used without permission from Smithsonian.

Subject-Specific Sites 



Agricultural Research Service Image Gallery 



NASA Image Galleries



BIODIDAC: A bank of digital resources for teaching biology
Botanical Society of America's Online Image Collection
CELLS Alive!
Vascular Plant Image Gallery 



Common Molecules Collection


Earth Sciences

U.S. Geological Survey: Photo and Image Collections
National Archive of Geological Photographs
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: NOAA Photo Library
Visible Earth
Earth Science World Image Bank 


History of Science

Epact: Scientific Instruments of Medieval and Renaissance Europe
Science Service Historical Image Collection
Images from the History of Medicine


Medicine and Health

Public Health Image Library (PHIL)
The Visible Human Project®
Vesalius' On the Fabric of the Human Body, anatomical atlas first published in 1543 with diagrams and woodcut drawings.
Wellcome Images provide "free, unlimited access to two thousand years of mankind and medicine in pictures"



American Physical Society: A Century of Physics
Berkeley Lab On-line Photo Archive



Moving Image Gateway         




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