CORA, Canadian Opinion Research Archive
Eagleton Poll Archive - Rutgers University Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling - statewide polls of New Jersey residents on matters of political and social interest.
European Public Opinion
Harris Poll Online (Must complete free online registration)
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
National Opinion Research Center (NORC): Data and Findings
Odum Institute for Research In Social Science's Public Opinion Item Index
Pew Research Center: The People & The Press Independent opinion research group that studies attitudes toward press, politics and public policy issues. Known for national surveys that measure public attentiveness to major news stories, and polling on trends in values and political and social attitudes.
Public Agenda Online Nonpartisan briefings on policy and polling -- including digests of news, legislation, and studies, and research studies. Includes great bar graphs and pie charts illustrating public opinion.
Public Opinion on Legislative Issues "A Guide for Class Assignments Beginning with 103rd Congress, 1993" from the University of Michigan Documents Center.
Roper Center for Public Opinion Research Access to the world's largest collection of public opinion survey data from over 100 countries, documenting over 60 years of commercial and academic surveys. (Some data only available to UF faculty, students, and staff.)
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