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Statistics and Data

Page history last edited by Colleen 5 years, 7 months ago

Historical Statistics

ALFRED ArchivaL Federal Reserve Economic Data

Current Value of Old Money: Tools and Online Sources

Food Timeline: Historic Food Prices
FRASERĀ® The Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research
FREDĀ® Federal Reserve Economic Data

Historical GDP Estimates of the United States
Historical Statistics of the United States
Historical Statistics on Banking

Historical Vital Statistics of the United States
Historical World Population Estimates

Historicalstatistics.org: Portal for Historical Statistics

Housing Characteristics - Including rents, home values, home ownership, plumbing, etc.
How Much Is That?
How Much is That Worth Today? -- Purchasing power of money in the United States from 1774 to 2009.

Medieval Europe Population Estimates

National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS)

Selected Historical Decennial Census Population and Housing Counts

Statistical Abstracts of the United States - 1878-2012

United States Historical Census Browser
U.S. Election Statistics: A Resource Guide

U.S. Federal Election Statistics - 1920 to 2010
What is a dollar worth? (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis)  


Gainesville, FL Statistics

Economy at A Glance - BLS Data



Florida Statistical Abstract Online

UF Libraries Documents Dept.: Florida Statistical Sources

USDA Economic Research Service State Fact Sheets - Florida


Statistical Search Engines

Google Public Data Explorer


United States

American FactFinder

The ARDA: Association of Religion Data Archive

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Census Bureau


Kids Count Data Center (Annie E. Casey Foundation)

Mapping the Measure of America

National Bureau of Economic Research

National Criminal Justice Reference Service

National Transportation Statistics

Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics

UF Libraries Documents Dept.: US Statistical Sources


International and Foreign Statistical Sources

CIA World Factbook

European Union EuroStat
National Bureau of Economic Research
Penn World Table
The UC Atlas of Global Inequality
UF Libraries Documents Dept.: Int'l Statistical Sources
UN/ECE - Links to Official Statistics for Europe and N. America and other selected countries
United Nations Statistics Division
World Bank Development Data & Statistics


World Stats

Gapminder time series of development statistics for all countries

Global Open Data Index repository of government data from 94 different countries across the globe.

Our World in Data 

WID World Wealth and Income Database


Stats/Data Visualization Tools

Google Motion Chart




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